Friday, December 21, 2007

Couple of other projects...

Some quick links:

Monday, August 6, 2007

The season is about to begin!

Harold League. Yup, that's right, Harold.
For the last few years I've taken part in the Fantasy Premier League. It's a great bit of fun, though I know next to nothing about the round ball game. We've got a decent number of players in the league this time too, the most we've had. We've decided that it deserves its own blog and stats banks, which should add to the bragging rights of the leaders. Good fun!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Want a Ferrari?

Then do what this girl did and KNIT your own! Seriously.

Lauren Porter, an art graduate at Bath Spa University knitted this Ferrari sportscar for her honours degree.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Guess what they feed this dog!!! Man!!! Someone please tell me this is photoshopped!

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

VBA test - adding dates

I'm just setting up my template at the moment to handle VBA formatting - and I thought it might be a good test to use a practical example. The following code is used to add dates in VBA:

Dim FirstDate As Date ' Declare variables.
Dim IntervalType As String
Dim Number As Integer
Dim Msg
IntervalType = "m" ' "m" specifies months as interval.
FirstDate = InputBox("Enter a date")
Number = InputBox("Enter number of months to add")
Msg = "New date: " & DateAdd(IntervalType, Number, FirstDate)
MsgBox Msg

The "m" used here to signify "months" could also be substituted out as one of the following:
yyyy Year
q    Quarter
m    Month
y    Day of year
d    Day
w    Weekday
ww   Week
h    Hour
n    Minute
s    Second

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